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Promisemed VeriEcto® Semi-automatic Biopsy Needles offer many of the same features that our automatic biopsy needles possess. The difference is that you need to advance the stylet manually.

Features and Benefits
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Smaller and quieter vibration when fired
Echogenic tip enhances visualization under ultrasound
Extra sharp trocar tip to ease penetration
Extra sharp cutting cannula to minimize trauma and get better samples
Meet Multiple Demands
Applicable for most organs such as breast, kidney, lung, liver, lymph gland and prostate
10mm and 20mm notches for flexible sampling
Optional Verisafe® Co-axial Biopsy Devices enhance efficiency and accuracy
Smooth stylet advancement
Ergonomic design with light weight for comfortable and precise control
Safety button to avoid accidental triggering


Contact Us

506 W. Rhapsody Dr., Suite B San Antonio, Texas 78216, USA

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